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Pedja83 last won the day on November 29

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  1. Pedja83

    Obd eleven pomoc

    Za sta? Poslato sa PGT-N19 pomoću Tapatoka
  2. Pedja83

    Pomoc oko OBD eleven

    O SFD na obd11 After discussions with retrofitters and VW engineers, here is what I know about SFD2: - SFD2 was implemented as a result of passing stricter EU legislations for vehicles. The legislations in question are: UNECE R155 (Cyber Security and Cyber Security Management System [CSMS]) & UNECE R156 (Software Update and Software Update Management Systems [sUMS]) - SFD2 does not work like SFD. A SFD2 token is a two part authentication token - release is granted if a part of the token stored on your cars unit matches with the half stored on VW servers. It is possible that a 3rd party will never be able to unlock an SFD2 protected unit as they would require unprecedented access to VW databases... I don't know if VW will go for that. But, VW likes money, so given time we might get SFD2 capable 3rd party diagnostics, but for sure it won't be cheap... - Even for online ODIS, some changes cannot be done - my colleague with dealership access rights to ODIS had issue disabling ISA (Intelligent speed assist) on a Golf 8 FL. I assume it will be the same for disabling other "safety features" due to stricter regulatory pressures on VW from the legislative body of the EU to have them active. - Even with ODIS you need to pay a "session fee" to log into a SFD2 protected unit. It is a true money drain. One coding session (per unit) is cca 130 euro + VAT. Now imagine coding a feature spread accross several units... - Adding or swapping SFD2 protected units might not be possible - for an unit not originally fitted to the car, the SFD2 tokens on the unit and VW server won't match, possibly blocking parametrization of the unit. So guys, if you like to work on your car it's is best to stick to the pre-SFD2 models. Might take a while before we can do anything to the new cars." Poslato sa PGT-N19 pomoću Tapatoka
  3. Pedja83


    To su kodovi sta vozilo ima. Svako vozilo ima razlicite kodove zavisno od nivoa opreme. Poslato sa PGT-N19 pomoću Tapatoka
  4. Pedja83

    Problem kotaca golf 4

    Svaka cast. Dosjetljivost na nivou Poslato sa PGT-N19 pomoću Tapatoka
  5. Pedja83

    Problem kotaca golf 4

    Ma pricam o kućnoj radinosti Ja licno ne radim mehaniku pa mi ti alati nisu potrebni. Parola snadji se. Poslato sa PGT-N19 pomoću Tapatoka
  6. Pedja83

    Problem kotaca golf 4

    Ne treba skidati most. U kućnoj radinosti mozes. Ja sam ih sjekao zagom za zeljezo. Laganice. Novi sam ubacio pomoću stega metalnih i letvica. Dobro ocistiti i podmazati. Obratiti pažnju da ne krene krivo Poslato sa PGT-N19 pomoću Tapatoka
  7. Pedja83

    Problem kotaca golf 4

    A ovjes bi bio dobro tvrdji... Smeta li vam to Poslato sa PGT-N19 pomoću Tapatoka
  8. Pedja83

    Ugradnja el podizaca

    Isto ti je za odraditi... Svaka cast Mate Poslato sa PGT-N19 pomoću Tapatoka
  9. Pedja83

    Golf 7 magle stakla

    Jel bio u kvaru? Poslato sa PGT-N19 pomoću Tapatoka
  10. A joj. Ako ti je ona kesa iz boce pukla. Onda je bas sranje. Tonse vadi i baca cim prije. Drugar jedan je to doživio. Ispirao je tako sa vrtnim crijevom ali nije dobio nekog efekta. Na kraju mjenjao hladnjak Poslato sa PGT-N19 pomoću Tapatoka
  11. Pedja83

    Pomoc oko OBD eleven

    Vidi krezubog bosnje opet se javio? Jes nabacio protezu? Nisam li ti rekao da imas zabranu obraćanja? Nemoj da bude "babo"nano" on me dira! Ne treba to tebi za cvaju!!! Koga boli uvo sta tebe zanima... Jado... Poslato sa PGT-N19 pomoću Tapatoka
  12. Pa na rucnom mjenjacu imas prekidac rikver svjetla. Pogledaj odgovara li dzek. Ako ne. Na otpadu nadji i prepakuj i radice ti Poslato sa PGT-N19 pomoću Tapatoka
  13. Pedja83

    Pomoc oko OBD eleven

    Obd11 kad zakacim kaze imate novi firmware modula motora, modula mjenjaca itd. Navedeni cak i sifre firmware. Odem u ovlasteni. Kazu ljudi na vasem autu je zadnje azuriranje. Nema novijeg. Pa ajde mi objasni kako obd11 zna da ima a ovlasceni servis ne vidi to. Poslato sa PGT-N19 pomoću Tapatoka
  14. Pedja83

    Problem kotaca golf 4

    Sta znaci popigan? Ne moze se znati bez detaljnog pregleda odozdo. Dakle pogleda se pa onda dalje. Taj auto nije neki koji trune osim ako u istoriji nije nekad dobro udaran. Poslato sa PGT-N19 pomoću Tapatoka
  15. Pedja83

    Pomoc oko OBD eleven

    Nije povjerljiv softvercal nikako... Poslato sa PGT-N19 pomoću Tapatoka