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Showing content with the highest reputation since 04/25/23 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Znači ovo je problem s kojim će se svaki vozač sresti prije ili kasnije u svojoj vozačkoj karijeri i to ne samo kod TDI VW VAG grupacije već i kod ostalih ajdmo reć diesel vozila. Najveći problem u rješavanju ovog problema su needucirani automehaničari(koji su možda pošteni ali jednostavno neznaju, pregazilo ih vrijeme), ali naravno i oni koji znaju, a deru Vam kožu zbog Vašeg neznanja jer mogu reći da je otišlo bilo što i to Vam dobro debelo naplatiti. Dakle! 2.0 tdi /1.6 tdi fantomsko gubljenje tekućine i moguća rješenja problema. Imate „vidljiv gubitak tekućine“ na način da ju izbacuje van kroz ekspanzionu posudu ili „nevidljiv gubitak tekućine“ a nemate blage veze „ZAŠTO“??? Prvo gledat očito: - Da li je možda otišla pumpa vode? (Endoskopska kamera od 10 eura je dobar alat za detekciju, a nekad je i preočito i vidi se golim okom) - Da li je otišao termostat? Termostat/Kućište termostata/ Oring nešto u ovom lancu voli procuriti... - Pogledat Ekspanzionu posudu i čep ekspanzione posude. Ako pušta tekućinu na čep očito je da se sistem hlađenja negdje pregrijava, stvara se veliki pritisaku sistemu i izbacuje tekućinu na čep. - EGR sistem(hladnjak, dihtung itd.)? Postoji recimo dihtung(plosnati tip) EGR ventila koji voli napuknuti radi temperaturnih promjena te onda iz njega curi rashladna tekućina na auspuh i odmah ispari tako da je to zeznuto uočiti jednostavno „ispari“. Voli i hladnjak EGR-a otići dakako. Ovo se također može vidjet „opservacijom“. - Provjera rashladnih cijeva (napuknuća i šelne) - Dihtung glave? Auto nabija kompresiju u rashladni sustav zbog te gluposti. Tko je dobre sreće prođe samo sa zamjenom dihtunga, ali uglavnom to uključuje brušenje glave motora, drugi ventili, šarafi itd... Skup sport i ajdmo reć „polugeneralka“ (cca 1000+ Eura). Velika većina naših mehaničara nije kvalitetno educirana što se tiče detekcije toga i rade na principu „trećeg čula“ iako u današnje vrijeme postoje testovi; ima i na ebayu i Aliexpressu koji nedvojbeno detektiraju ovaj problem. Opservacijom se može nekad detektirat „dihtung glave“ ako se na čepu ulja s donje strane lovi odvratna sapunasta tekućina ili test sa otvorenom posudom i lijevkom gdje će vizualno bacati mjehuriće Van kroz ekspanzionu posudu i ti mjehurići što idu van mirišu na dim iz auspuha, izlazi bijeli dim iz auspuha(no ne mora nužno biti ako je samo mikro napuknuće u dihtungu glave) no ako je očit bijeli dim to je to. Ako nije ovo onda je vrlo velika vjerojatnost sljedećeg: Nakupljanje smeća u rashladnom sustavu što vodi štopanju izmjenjivača topline grijanja kabine vozila koji se pogodili ste nalazi u kabini vozila! A naravno da i navedeno smeće može sjebat i ostale komponente rashladnog sustava. O tome ćemo kasnije... Kako i zašto dolazi do začepljenja??? ONO... WTF: - Pukla vrećica sa silkatnim granulama u ekspanzionoj posudi ili posudi s antifrizom(VW inženjering gdje stavljaju vrećicu sa silikatnim kuglicama koja „pomaže“ „nečemu“, a u biti radi sranje jer pukne i ispusti granule u sistem, a ako ne pukne potiče miješanje sa pijeskom koji nastaje u bloku o čemu ćemo pričat dolje... Možete vrlo lako vidjet da li imate vrećicu sa silikatnim granulama ili ne, ako nemate velika je vjerojatnost da je to prethodni gazda vozila već zamjenio i riješio. - Pijesaku rashladnom sustavu? Da! Sitne čestice pijeskastog materijala koje nastaju lijevanjem bloka motora!? Da! Da se vratimo na izmjenjivač topline koji je originalni konstruiran sa sitnim kanalićima za protok tekućine i nije otporan na raznorazna smeća koja se u njemu nakupljaju. Dakle nakon određenog vremena spomenute „ILI ILI“ (pijesak ili granunule) zaštopaju taj izmjenjivač topline djelomično (učestalije) ili u potpunosti (rijeđe). Puno ljudi je primjetilo da sa razlijevanje tekućine preko čepa ekspanzione posude dešava po završetku regeneracije! Pretpostavka je da rashladna tekućina ima zasebne „krugove hlađenja“ tj. krug za vrijeme aktivne regeneracije gdje nastaju velike temperature od cca 600 celzijusa i krug na koji se auto prebacuje kada regeneracija završi. Znači kada regeneracija završi on ponovo otvara drugi krug preko egr hladnjaka koji opet počinje hladiti ispušne plinove. S obzirom da recimo imamo djelomično zaštopan izmjenjivač topline u kabini on usporava normalan protok tekućine i zatim spomenuti „rashladni krug“ zakuhava i radi pritisak u sistemu koji se otpušta na čepu ekspanzione posude i izbaci kroz taj isti čep koji ima sigurnosni vetil rashladnu tekućinu i to na način da Vam to auto uglavnom ničime neće dati do znanja iako bi trebao. Zašto? Pitajte VW stručnjake. Uglavnom što napraviti i kako si pomoći? Grijanje uključite na maksimalno u autu i provjerite da li Vam jednako grije na svim ispušnim kanalima. Kad je grijanje normalno temperature na ispusima mogu doći do preko 65 celzijusa tako ako imate nikakvo, mlako ili slabo grijanje(eto grije ali kao da nije „to to“). Vrlo vjerovatno da imate problem sa spomenutim „izmjenjivačem topline“. Ljudi se uglavnom i sami upuštaju u uradi sam metodu i nebi trebao biti preveliki problem promjentiti no ako niste za to jednostavno „niste“ i doslovno svaki meho Vam to može odraditi ali! Prije ugradnje novog izmjenjivača topline treba: - Isprati komplet rashladni sustav i to gdje god se može nešto isprat treba isprat! Uglavnom bit će bun sitnih pjeskovith čestica nalik na hrđu(ili bakar/bronca) - Ubaciti novi izmjenjivač topline - Ako je pukla silikonska vrećica u posudi uzet novu posudu sa čepom bez te vrećice - Staviti novu tekućinu i odzračiti (sistem je uglavnom samoodzračivajući). Pričekat da se zagrije, da se otvori termostat, vidjet da ne baca tekućinu naročito u kabinu na spoju metalnih lajtunga i novog izmjenjivača topline (u naravi minijaturni killer). - Voziti i nadati se najboljem J Preporuka je „Nissensov“ izmjenjivač topline jer ima duplo veće kanale i protočniji je od originalnog te ako se ikada više nakupi smeća procirkulirat će ga puno bolje od originala bez štopanja, ali naravno može i original s obzirom da smo eto prethodno prije same instalacije pročistili rashladni sistem jer zajeb zajeba bi bio samo našarafiti novi izmjenjivač topline u kabinu bez prethodnog čišćenja jer ćete opet nakon određenog vremena imati isti efekt gubljenja tekućine. Evo nadam se da sam barem malo nekome pomogao ovime. Hvala na vremenu i čitanju. Pozz Špeksi
  2. 3 points
    Sadržaj: 0 General Information - 2 About this website - 2 1 Safety first! - 5 2 Introduction - 10 3 Roadside repairs - 13 4 Weekly checks - 23 5 Lubricants, fluids and tyre pressures - 39 1a Routine maintenance and servicing - petrol models - 42 Degrees of difficulty - 42 Servicing specifications - petrol models - 43 Maintenance schedule - petrol models - 46 Component location - petrol models - 51 1 Introduction - 53 2 Regular maintenance - 54 Every 5000 miles (7500 km) or 6 months - 56 3 Engine oil and filter renewal - petrol models - 57 Every 10 000 miles (15 000 km) or 12 month, whichever comes first - 'Oil' on display - 60 4 Brake pad check - 61 5 Resetting the service interval display - petrol models - 63 Every 20 000 miles (30 000 km) or 2 years, whichever comes first - '01' on display - 64 6 Exhaust system check - 65 7 Hose and fluid leak check - 66 8 Auxiliary drivebelt check - 68 9 Antifreeze check - 69 10 Brake hydraulic circuit check - 70 11 Headlight beam adjustment - 71 12 Pollen filter element renewal - 72 13 Manual transmission oil level check - 74 14 Underbody protection check - 76 15 Driveshaft gaiter check - 77 16 Steering and suspension check - 78 17 Batterry check - 80 18 Hinge and lock lubrication - 82 19 Airbag unit check - 83 20 Windscreen/tailgate/headlight washer system check - 84 21 Engine management self-diagnosis memory fault check - 85 22 Sunroof check and lubrication - 86 23 Road test and exhaust emissions check - 87 Every 40 000 miles (60 000 km) or 4 years, whichever comes first - 89 24 Air filter element renewal - petrol models - 90 25 Spark plug renewal - petrol models - 92 26 Auxiliary drivebelt check and renewal - petrol models - 97 27 Power steering hydraulic fluid level check - 100 28 Automatic transmission fluid level check - 102 29 Automatic transmission final drive oil level check - 104 Every 60 000 miles (90 000 km) or 4 years, whichever comes first - 106 30 Timing belt renewal - 107 Every 2 years - 108 31 Brake (and clutch) fluid renewal - petrol models - 109 32 Coolant renewal - petrol models - 111 1b Routine maintenance and servicing - diesel models - 114 Degrees of difficulty - 114 Servicing specifications - diesel models - 115 Maintenance schedule - diesel models - 117 Component location - diesel models - 123 1 Introduction - 125 2 Regular maintenance - 126 Every 5000 miles (7500 km) or 6 months - 128 3 Engine oil and filter renewal - diesel models - 129 Every 10 000 miles (15 000 km) or 12 months, whichever comes first - 'Oil' on display - 133 4 Fuel filter water draining (vehicles using high sulphur fuels) - diesel models - 134 5 Brake pad check - 136 6 Resetting the service interval display - diesel models - 138 Every 20 000 miles (30 000 km) or 2 years, whichever comes first - '01' on display - 139 7 Exhaust system check - 141 8 Hose and fluid leak check - 142 9 Fuel filter water draining (vehicles using standard fuel) - diesel models - 144 10 Fuel filter renewal (vehicles using high sulphur diesel fuel) - 145 11 Auxiliary drivebelt check - 148 12 Antifreeze check - 149 13 Brake hydraulic circuit check - 150 14 Headlight beam adjustment - 151 15 Pollen filter element renewal - 152 16 Manual transmission oil level check - 154 17 Underbody protection check - 157 18 Driveshaft gaiter check - 158 19 Steering and suspension check - 159 20 Batterry check - 161 21 Hinge and lock lubrication - 163 22 Airbag unit check - 164 23 Windscreen/tailgate/headlight washer system check - 165 24 Engine management self-diagnosis memory fault check - 166 25 Sunroof check and lubrication - 167 26 Road test and exhaust emissions check - 168 Every 40 000 miles (60 000 km) or 4 years, whichever comes first - 170 27 Air filter element renewal - diesel models - 171 28 Fuel filter renewal (vehicles using standard diesel fuel) - 173 29 Auxiliary drivebelt check and renewal - diesel models - 174 30 Power steering hydraulic fluid level check - 177 31 Automatic transmission fluid level check - 179 32 Automatic transmission final drive oil level check - 181 Every 60 000 miles (90 000 km) - 183 33 Timing belt and tensioning roller renewal (engines with ‘unit’ injectors) - 184 Every 80 000 miles (120 000 km) - 185 34 Timing belt and tensioning roller renewal ( engines with injection pump) - 186 Every 2 years - 187 35 Brake (and clutch) fluid renewal - diesel models - 188 36 Coolant renewal - diesel models - 190 2a SOHC petrol engine in-car repair procedures - 193 Degrees of difficulty - 193 Specifications - 194 1 General Information - 199 2 Compression test - description and interpretation - 201 3 Engine assembly and valve timing marks - general information and usage - 203 4 Camshaft cover - removal and refitting - 206 5 Crankshaft pulley - removal and refitting - 208 6 Timing belt covers - removal and refitting - 210 7 Timing belt - removal and refitting - 213 8 Timing belt tensioner and sprockets - removal and refitting - 217 9 Camshaft - removal, inspection and refitting - 220 10 Hydraulic tappets/roller rocker fingers - removal, inspection and refitting - 226 11 Camshaft oil seal - renewal - 228 12 Cylinder head - removal, inspection and refitting - 229 13 Sump - removal and refitting - 234 14 Oil pump, drive chain and sprockets - removal, inspection and refitting - 237 15 Flywheel/driveplate - removal, inspection and refitting - 243 16 Crankshaft oil seals - renewal - 246 17 Engine/transmission mountings - inspection and renewal - 249 18 Engine oil cooler - removal and refitting - 255 19 Oil pressure relief valve - removal, inspection and refitting - 258 20 Oil pressure warning light switch - removal and refitting - 259 21 Oil level/temperature sender - removal and refitting - 260 22 Balancer shaft unit (2.0 litre AZJ engine) - removal and refitting - 263 2b DOHC petrol engine in-car repair procedures - 266 Degrees of difficulty - 266 Specifications - 267 1 General Information - 274 2 Compression test - description and interpretation - 277 3 Engine assembly and valve timing marks - general information and usage - 279 4 Camshaft cover (1.8 litre engines) - removal and refitting - 285 5 Crankshaft pulley - removal and refitting - 291 6 Timing belt covers - removal and refitting - 296 7 Timing belt(s) - removal and refitting - 302 8 Timing belt tensioner and sprockets - removal and refitting - 315 9 Inlet camshaft timing components/camshaft adjuster (1.8 litre engines) - 321 10 Camshaft carrier (1.4 and 1.6 litre engines) - removal and refitting - 322 11 Camshafts (1.4 and 1.6 litre engines) - removal, inspection and refitting - 328 12 Rockers and tappets (1.4 and 1.6 litre engines) - removal, inspection and refitting - 331 13 Camshafts and tappets (1.8 litre engines) - removal, inspection and refitting - 333 14 Camshaft oil seals - renewal - 342 15 Cylinder head - removal, inspection and refitting - 345 16 Sump - removal and refitting - 356 17 Oil pump (1.4 and 1.6 litre engines) - removal, inspection and refitting - 357 18 Oil pump and drive chain (1.8 litre engines) - removal, inspection and refitting - 363 19 Flywheel/driveplate - removal, inspection and refitting - 364 20 Crankshaft oil seals - renewal - 365 21 Engine/transmission mountings - inspection and renewal - 370 22 Engine oil cooler - removal and refitting - 371 23 Oil pressure relief valve - removal, inspection and refitting - 372 24 Oil pressure warning light switch - removal and refitting - 373 25 Oil level/temperature sender - removal and refitting - 375 2c Diesel engine in-car repair procedures - 377 Degrees of difficulty - 377 Specifications - 378 1 General Information - 384 2 Compression and leakdown tests - description and interpretation - 386 3 Engine assembly and valve timing marks - general information and usage - 389 4 Camshaft cover - removal and refitting - 395 5 Crankshaft pulley - removal and refitting - 400 6 Timing belt covers - removal and refitting - 402 7 Timing belt - removal, inspection and refitting - 405 8 Timing belt tensioner and sprockets - removal, inspection and refitting - 415 9 Pump injector rocker shaft assembly - removal and refitting - 421 10 Camshaft and hydraulic tappets - removal, inspection and refitting - 423 11 Hydraulic tappets - testing - 427 12 Camshaft oil seals - renewal - 429 13 Cylinder head - removal, inspection and refitting - 430 14 Sump - removal and refitting - 442 15 Oil pump and drive chain - removal, inspection and refitting - 443 16 Flywheel/driveplate/clutch pressure plate - removal, inspection and refitting - 444 17 Crankshaft oil seals - renewal - 445 18 Engine/transmission mountings - inspection and renewal - 449 19 Engine oil cooler - removal and refitting - 450 20 Oil pressure relief valve - removal, inspection and refitting - 453 21 Oil pressure warning light switch - removal and refitting - 454 2d Engine removal and overhaul procedures - 455 Degrees of difficulty - 455 Specifications - 456 1 General Information - 462 2 Engine overhaul - general information - 463 3 Engine/transmission removal - preparation and precautions - 465 4 Engine and transmission (SOHC petrol engines) - removal and refitting - 467 5 Engine and transmission (DOHC petrol engines) - removal and refitting - 473 6 Engine and transmission (diesel engines) - removal and refitting - 493 7 Engine overhaul - preliminary information - 498 8 Cylinder head - dismantling - 500 9 Cylinder head and valves - cleaning and inspection - 505 10 Cylinder head - reassembly - 509 11 Piston/connecting rod assemblies - removal - 515 12 Crankshaft - removal - 519 13 Cylinder block/crankcase - cleaning and inspection - 521 14 Piston/connecting rod assemblies - cleaning and inspection - 524 15 Crankshaft - checking endfloat and inspection - 529 16 Main and big-end bearings - inspection - 532 17 Engine overhaul - reassembly sequence - 535 18 Piston rings - refitting - 536 19 Crankshaft - refitting and main bearing clearance check - 538 20 Piston/connecting rod assemblies - refitting and big-end bearing clearance check - 542 21 Engine - initial start-up after overhaul and reassembly - 546 3 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems - 548 Degrees of difficulty - 548 Specifications - 549 1 General information and precautions - 551 2 Cooling system hoses - disconnection and renewal - 553 3 Radiator - removal, inspection and refitting - 555 4 Thermostat - removal, testing and refitting - 558 5 Electric cooling fan - testing, removal and refitting - 563 6 Cooling system electrical switches and sensors - testing, removal and refitting - 565 7 Coolant pump - removal and refitting - 569 8 Heating and ventilation system - general information - 572 9 Heating/ventilation system components - removal and refitting - 573 10 Heating/ventilation system vents - removal and refitting - 584 11 Air conditioning system - general information and precautions - 585 12 Air conditioning system components - removal and refitting - 587 13 Climatronic system components - removal and refitting - 588 4a Petrol engine fuel system - 591 Degrees of difficulty - 591 Specifications - 592 1 General information and precautions - 595 2 Air cleaner and inlet system - removal and refitting - 598 3 Inlet air temperature control system - general information - 604 4 Accelerator cable - removal, refitting and adjustment - 605 5 Fuel system components - removal and refitting - 608 6 Fuel filter - renewal - 624 7 Fuel pump and gauge sender unit - removal and refitting - 626 8 Fuel tank - removal and refitting - 632 9 Fuel injection system - depressurisation - 635 10 Inlet manifold and associated components - removal and refitting - 637 11 Fuel injection system - testing and adjustment - 648 12 Unleaded petrol - general information and usage - 649 13 Cruise control system - general information - 650 4b Diesel engine fuel system - 651 Degrees of difficulty - 651 Specifications - 652 1 General information and precautions - 655 2 Air cleaner assembly - removal and refitting - 658 3 Accelerator cable - general information - 661 4 Diesel engine management system - component removal and refitting - 662 5 Injectors - general information, removal and refitting - 670 6 Injection pump - removal and refitting - 678 7 Fuel injection pump timing - checking and adjustment - 683 8 Fuel cut-off solenoid valve - removal and refitting - 684 9 Inlet manifold - removal and refitting - 686 10 Fuel filter - renewal - 691 11 Fuel gauge sender unit - removal and refitting - 692 12 Fuel tank - removal and refitting - 693 13 Tandem fuel pump - removal and refitting - 694 14 Inlet manifold changeover flap and valve - removal and refitting - 697 4c Emission control and exhaust systems - petrol engines - 700 Degrees of difficulty - 700 Specifications - 701 1 General Information - 703 2 Evaporative loss emission control system - information and component renewal - 706 3 Crankcase emission system - general information - 709 4 Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system - component removal - 710 5 Secondary air injection system - information and component renewal - 716 6 Turbocharger - general information, precautions, removal and refitting - 722 7 Intercooler - general information, removal and refitting - 727 8 Exhaust manifold - removal and refitting - 733 9 Exhaust system - component renewal - 741 10 Catalytic converter - general information and precautions - 747 4d Emission control and exhaust systems - diesel engines - 748 Degrees of difficulty - 748 Specifications - 749 1 General Information - 751 2 Crankcase emission system - general information - 753 3 Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system - component removal - 754 4 Turbocharger - general information and precautions - 758 5 Turbocharger - removal and refitting - 760 6 Turbocharger boost control system components - removal and refitting - 766 7 Intercooler - general information, removal and refitting - 770 8 Exhaust manifold - removal and refitting - 771 9 Exhaust system - component renewal - 774 10 Catalytic converter - general information and precautions - 777 5a Starting and charging systems - 778 Degrees of difficulty - 778 Specifications - 779 1 General information and precautions - 780 2 Battery - testing and charging - 782 3 Battery - removal and refitting - 785 4 Alternator/charging system - testing in vehicle - 787 5 Alternator - removal and refitting - 788 6 Alternator - brush holder/regulator module renewal - 790 7 Starting system - testing - 792 8 Starter motor - removal and refitting - 794 9 Starter motor - testing and overhaul - 797 5b Ignition system - petrol engines - 798 Degrees of difficulty - 798 Specifications - 799 1 General Information - 801 2 Ignition system - testing - 804 3 HT coil(s) - removal and refitting - 806 4 Ignition timing - checking and adjusting - 809 5 Knock sensor(s) - removal and refitting - 810 5c Preheating system - diesel engines - 812 Degrees of difficulty - 812 Specifications - 813 1 General Information - 814 2 Glow plugs - testing, removal and refitting - 815 6 Clutch - 818 Degrees of difficulty - 818 Specifications - 819 1 General Information - 821 2 Hydraulic system - bleeding - 823 3 Clutch pedal - removal and refitting - 825 4 Master cylinder - removal, overhaul and refitting - 827 5 Slave cylinder - removal, overhaul and refitting - 831 6 Clutch friction disc and pressure plate - removal, inspection and refitting - 834 7 Release bearing and lever - removal, inspection and refitting - 843 7a Manual transmission - 850 Degrees of difficulty - 850 Specifications - 851 1 General Information - 852 2 Gearchange linkage (02J and 02M transmissions) - adjustment - 855 3 Manual transmission - removal and refitting - 858 4 Manual transmission overhaul - general information - 865 5 Reversing light switch - testing, removal and refitting - 866 6 Roadspeed sensor/speedometer drive - removal and refitting - 868 7b Automatic transmission - 870 Degrees of difficulty - 870 Specifications - 871 1 General Information - 873 2 Automatic transmission - removal and refitting - 875 3 Automatic transmission overhaul - general information - 880 4 Selector cable - removal, refitting and adjustment - 881 5 Ignition key Park Lock system - description and cable renewal - 883 8 Driveshafts - 885 Degrees of difficulty - 885 Specifications - 886 1 General Information - 888 2 Driveshafts - removal and refitting - 889 3 Driveshaft rubber gaiters - renewal - 892 4 Driveshaft overhaul - general information - 906 9 Braking system - 907 Degrees of difficulty - 907 Specifications - 908 1 General information and precautions - 910 2 Hydraulic system - bleeding - 911 3 Hydraulic pipes and hoses - renewal - 916 4 Front brake pads - removal, inspection and refitting - 917 5 Front brake caliper - removal, overhaul and refitting - 924 6 Brake disc - inspection, removal and refitting - 927 7 Front brake disc shield - removal and refitting - 931 8 Rear brake pads - removal, inspection and refitting - 932 9 Rear brake caliper - removal, overhaul and refitting - 936 10 Brake pedal - removal and refitting - 939 11 Servo unit - testing, removal and refitting - 943 12 Servo non-return valve - testing, removal and refitting - 945 13 Master cylinder - removal, overhaul and refitting - 947 14 Handbrake - adjustment - 950 15 Handbrake lever - removal and refitting - 952 16 Handbrake cables - removal and refitting - 954 17 Handbrake ‘on’ warning light switch - removal and refitting - 956 18 Brake light switch - removal and refitting - 957 19 Anti-lock braking system (ABS) - general information and precautions - 959 20 Anti-lock braking system (ABS) components - removal and refitting - 961 21 Servo unit mechanical vacuum pump (diesel models) - testing, removal and refitting - 963 22 Servo unit electric vacuum pump (diesel models) - testing, removal and refitting - 966 10 Suspension and steering systems - 967 Degrees of difficulty - 967 Specifications - 968 1 General Information - 972 2 Front wheel bearing housing - removal and refitting - 974 3 Front hub bearings - renewal - 980 4 Front suspension strut - removal, overhaul and refitting - 982 5 Front suspension lower arm - removal, overhaul and refitting - 989 6 Front suspension lower arm balljoint - removal, inspection and refitting - 992 7 Front anti-roll bar - removal and refitting - 995 8 Front anti-roll bar connecting link - removal and refitting - 997 9 Rear hub assembly - removal and refitting - 999 10 Rear stub axle - removal and refitting - 1006 11 Rear suspension shock absorber and coil spring - removal and refitting - 1008 12 Rear anti-roll bar - removal and refitting - 1013 13 Rear axle assembly - removal and refitting - 1014 14 Rear axle rubber mountings - renewal - 1017 15 Vehicle level sender - removal and refitting - 1019 16 Steering wheel - removal and refitting - 1020 17 Steering column - removal, inspection and refitting - 1024 18 Ignition switch and steering column lock - removal and refitting - 1036 19 Steering gear assembly - removal, overhaul and refitting - 1039 20 Steering gear rubber gaiters and track rods - renewal - 1043 21 Power steering system - bleeding - 1045 22 Power steering pump - removal and refitting - 1046 23 Track rod end - removal and refitting - 1049 24 Wheel alignment and steering angles - general information - 1051 11 Bodywork and fittings - 1054 Degrees of difficulty - 1054 Specifications - 1055 1 General Information - 1056 2 Maintenance - bodywork and underframe - 1057 3 Maintenance - upholstery and carpets - 1059 4 Minor body damage - repair - 1060 5 Major body damage - repair - 1064 6 Front bumper - removal and refitting - 1065 7 Rear bumper - removal and refitting - 1069 8 Bonnet - removal, refitting and adjustment - 1072 9 Bonnet release cable - removal and refitting - 1074 10 Bonnet lock - removal and refitting - 1077 11 Door - removal, refitting and adjustment - 1079 12 Door inner trim panel - removal and refitting - 1082 13 Door handle and lock components - removal and refitting - 1086 14 Door window glass and regulator - removal and refitting - 1099 15 Tailgate and support struts - removal and refitting - 1103 16 Tailgate lock components - removal and refitting - 1108 17 Boot lid and support struts - removal and refitting - 1111 18 Boot lid lock components - removal and refitting - 1114 19 Central locking components - removal and refitting - 1117 20 Electric window components - removal and refitting - 1122 21 Exterior mirrors and associated components - removal and refitting - 1124 22 Windscreen, tailgate and fixed rear quarter window glass - general information - 1128 23 Sunroof - general information - 1129 24 Body exterior fittings - removal and refitting - 1130 25 Seats - removal and refitting - 1131 26 Front seat belt tensioning mechanism - general information - 1135 27 Seat belt components - removal and refitting - 1136 28 Interior trim - removal and refitting - 1146 29 Centre console - removal and refitting - 1148 30 Facia panel assembly - removal and refitting - 1153 12 Body electrical system - 1159 Degrees of difficulty - 1159 Specifications - 1160 1 General information and precautions - 1161 2 Electrical fault finding - general information - 1162 3 Fuses and relays - general information - 1165 4 Switches - removal and refitting - 1168 5 Bulbs (exterior lights) - renewal - 1177 6 Bulbs (interior lights) - renewal - 1193 7 Exterior light units - removal and refitting - 1199 8 Headlight beam adjustment components - removal and refitting - 1204 9 Headlight beam alignment - general information - 1207 10 Instrument panel - removal and refitting - 1209 11 Instrument panel components - removal and refitting - 1211 12 Service interval indicator - general information and resetting - 1212 13 Clock - removal and refitting - 1213 14 Cigarette lighter - removal and refitting - 1214 15 Horn - removal and refitting - 1215 16 Speedometer sensor - general information - 1216 17 Wiper arm - removal and refitting - 1217 18 Windscreen wiper motor and linkage - removal and refitting - 1218 19 Rear wiper motor - removal and refitting - 1220 20 Washer system components - removal and refitting - 1221 21 Radio/cassette/CD player/changer - removal and refitting - 1226 22 Loudspeakers - removal and refitting - 1230 23 Radio aerial - removal and refitting - 1232 24 Anti-theft alarm system and engine immobiliser - general information - 1233 25 Airbag system - general information and precautions - 1234 26 Airbag system components - removal and refitting - 1236 24 Parking aid components - general information, removal and refitting - 1240 Wiring Diagrams - 1242 Diagram 1 Key to symbols, earth points and fuses - 1242 Diagram 2 Starting and charging, audio - 1243 Diagram 3 Central locking, electric windows and mirrors - 1244 Diagram 4 Central locking and interior lights, horn, fuel tank release, cigarette lighter, 12V socket, radiator fan, diagnostic connector - 1245 Diagram 5 ABS, heater blower and heated read window, wash/wipe, brake lights, reversing lights - 1246 Diagram 6 Headlights, number plate lights, rear foglights, taillights and sidelights, foglight, hazard warning lights and direction indicators - 1247 Diagram 7 Headlight levelling, lighting rheostat, front foglights, gas discharge headlight range control - 1248 Diagram 8 Instrument panel, glovebox light, interior lights - 1249 13 Reference - 1250 1 Dimensions and weights - 1250 2 Buying spare parts - 1252 3 Vehicle identification numbers - 1254 4 General repair procedures - 1257 5 Jacking and vehicle support - 1260 6 Disconnecting the battery - 1262 7 Tools and working facilities - 1264 8 MOT test checks - 1272 9 Fault finding - 1286 10 Glossary of technical terms - 1307 Download Link 2 Ovaj pdf sam sam napravio tako da sam ručno svaki članak iz online priručnika "isprintao" u PDF i potom spojio u jedan, zbog toga nema sadržaja i zadnje stranice, a videozapisi nisu dostupni. Svejedno vjerujem da će mnogima ovdje koristiti.
  3. 3 points
    Znaci ovo malo foruma sto je zivo se skupi i svi ti govorimo od pocetka da je u tom problem, a ti nas ne slusas. I onda ti majstor kaze nije termostat, nego prevedeno na gugl translejtu: "regulator rashladne tekućine", Znaci identicna stvar.
  4. 2 points
    Ako je to famozni 1.6tdi CAYC motor nebi bilo "zgorega" očistiti sve dizne najbolje ultrasonično(zvuči ajme ali ono banalna stvar), ali ima i drugih metoda čiščenja dizna "na žgance", zamjeniti bakrene podloške i oringove. Prije svega provjerit da li pušta gorivo na plastičnom poklopcu ventila. Uglavnom provjeriti poklopac ventila na propuštanje te vidjeti dizne, ako su grdo zapečene sa tragovima metalnih čestica ili ako vidite metalne čestice bilo gdje na filteru goriva onda je HPFP(pumpa visokog pritiska) "zagrebala". Dizne pročistiti nije problem čak niti djelomično reparirati sa zamjenskim djelovima sa aliexpressa i sličnih stranica što naravno navedeno većina mehaničara čuva kao "Malo nekih tajni ima što ne govore se svima..." Uglavnom vidi se jel pušta deklo ili ne, al sobzirom da voli pustiti ja bi sve pročistio i reparirao kako se spada pa čak i novo deklo kupio(kkošta kikiriki) pa sam miran. Uz malo volje možete sve sami: Ovaj: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoBH3Bp0Dn8 Ovaj: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUiGvtES7yk Ovaj: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmbN936pXQ8
  5. 2 points
    Moje iskustvo je pokazlo da nema afteremarket tkanina koje su identicne originalu. No ima slicnih i kad ih stavis na strop niti znas da nije original niti se nakon nekog vremena sjecas kako original izgleda. Sve je to slicni drek, da prostite na izrazu.
  6. 2 points
    Zasto onda kod mene kopija ne vidi coding u modulu 9? Ako je to tako kao sto ti pričaš, na orginalu ima i uredno to radi. Poslato sa NTH-NX9 pomoću Tapatoka
  7. 2 points
    to bi trebo bit dq381 Interval 120tkm. Pošto je 4 motion moj savjet je izmjena ulja u HALDEX spojci i čišćenje filtera na haldex pumpi. Tu je 3god i bez obzira na km. Iz prakse to je bolje odradit max 3god i uz obavezno skidanje pumpe i čišćenje filtera. Uz pumpu idu i 2 brtve....
  8. 2 points
    Ovako, ja sam uspio rijesiti nakon milijun toga sa zamijenom ulja u getribi nestalo je 90% tog tuljenja, nakon sto sam zamijenio nosac motora (na getribi) nestalo je i ostatak.
  9. 1 point
    Mozda nisu zadnji interval zamjene ponistili,mozda su pootrosene do senzora..jednostavno provjerite,u najgorem slucaju jednu felgu dolje i pogledate koliko ima “mesa” na plocicama koliko na disku ostalo
  10. 1 point
    Erisin. Ima vise modela, većina je sad android 12.Ja ga imam u Passat B7, ima CarPlay i androidauto. Dab je nadoplata. Vidi model: https://www.erisin.com/products/erisin-es8528v-8-core-android-12-dab-autoradio-gps-wireless-carplay-stereo-swc-dtv-dsp-for-vw-passat-polo-golf-5-6-jetta-tiguan-eos-t5-seat-skoda
  11. 1 point
    To dok je jos bilo u kunama?
  12. 1 point
    Provjeris na onom pregibu od gepeka. Najcesce tamo. Ako ne,onda vidi isto na samoj ploci od stop svjetla..krenes tamo di ti je najlakse pa onda dalje ako ne uspijes naci [emoji85]
  13. 1 point
    Uzeh vodenu pumpu za Golfa Graf, pa se pokajah, jer mi nešto djelovala prejeftino i poručih Meyle HD, koja djeluje baš kvalitetno. Ojačani metalni zupčanici i čini mi se da je malo teža od Grafa.
  14. 1 point
    Sad mogu čuti... Da definitivno se ne radi o dužem "verglanju"(na više zuba nego uobičajeno) već "trokiranju" prilikom paljenja. Iskreno zatečen sam time... Zvući zastrašujuće 😱. Nadam se da ćete se javiti sa rješenjem problema ako se nama ostalima počne to dešavat. Hvala.
  15. 1 point
    Ja stavljao do sad i sve aute febi i pre zadovoljan sam Cak i u golf 7 dsg
  16. 1 point
    Samo mali update, čisto informativno ukoliko još netko bude imao potrebu za istim.... Naručio OEM Lackstift Set u ovlaštenom. Cijena - 23€ , čekam da stigne pa da testiram. Javim iskustva.
  17. 1 point
    Evo kakav je egr bio kad je skinut: Sent from my SM-G780G using Tapatalk
  18. 1 point
    Ja bih cak rekao da su povezana. Ako je dpf ok, a idemo pretpostaviti da jest nakon ciscenja, neces zacrnit auspuh nikad. DPF jednostavno sve zadrzi u sebi. Ja imam 2.0 tdi-a tjunanog i evo skoro 30k nakon sto sam ga nabavio, auspuh je i dalje srebrne boje iznutra.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    To bi mogao neko od kolega iz HR. Ja sam iz CG.
  21. 1 point
    [quote post=937581" timestamp="1681030733" name="" userid="359169] Budem, dok nabavim rezervnu bravu i dok se nađe vremena, tu je uvijek problem zato odgađam, a čekam i toplije vrijeme, nego s čime si ponovno zabrtvio limenu oplatu? Ona je u originalu sa nekom sivom masom obljepljena, djeluje mi spužvasto i to kada se skida se sigurno potrga i trebalo bi novu nanijeti. Ta masa je ostala na limu, i kad sam stega vide opet je zalipila...još drži solidno, premda više služi čini mi se da ublaži vibracije, jer ima desetak vida koje drže lim za vrata.
  22. 1 point
    Pozz ekipa neznam dali postoji otvorena tema, ali imao bih pitanje vezano za ventilaciju u golfu 2, naime cuje se ventilator ali nista ne puse kroz otvore u kabinu i kad bi mijenjao poziciju pubanja tipa iz kabine na staklo, nista se ne dogada, dali je imao tko kakvih iskustva s time?
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    Jedno pitanje za dizel tjunere prijatelj ima alteu tdi 105 hp i htio bi je napumpat na nekih zdravih 200 konjića ??ta mu sve treba ,koja točno turbina koje dizne i ostale sitnice ako netko zna neka javi?